Standards compliance and beyond
LKS has implemented and certified a quality management system in compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. This system lays down the most appropriate methodology to provide the service based on correct knowledge management and continuous improvement.

LKS Next has implemented and certified a quality management system in compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. This system lays down the most appropriate methodology to provide the service based on correct knowledge management and continuous improvement.

LKS Next has implemented and certified an environmental management system in compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 14.001:2015 standard that ensures a culture focussing on protecting the environment, sustainable development and preventing pollution.

LKS Next has implemented and certified an Information Technology Service management system according to the UNE ISO/EIC 20000-1:2011 standard that ensures ICT service management based on delivering and improving good service for clients.

LKS Next has joined the United Nations World Treaty to develop, implement and disseminate business sustainability policies and practices.

LKS Next Prospektiker has obtained recognition from the Basque Government as an approved consultant for technical assistance on gender equality to companies and entities.

LKS Next has implemented and certified an Information Security system in compliance with UNE ISO/IEC 27001 that helps promote information protection activities in organisations, improving their image and generating trust among third parties.

LKS Next has a model of compliance, based on the UNE 19601 Management System for legal compliance, that ensures a culture focussing on prevention and detection of crimes.

LKS Next has a team of professionals with PMP Certification (Project Management Professional) awarded by the Project Management Institute, that is the most acknowledged for Project Managers, demonstrating experience in leadership and project management.

LKS Next has earned the Silver BIKAIN certificate, Linguistic Management Certificate, official, public and free certificate awarded by the Basque Government, that proves LKS’s level in the presence, use and management of the Basque language.

LKS Next assumes an active commitment to promote the gender perspective: and developed a Gender Equality Plan 2018-2020.

LKS Next has implemented a Health and Safety management system according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard, and the mandatory regulatory Audit was carried out in compliance with Law 31/95 on Occupational Health and Safety.

LKS Next forms part of the Innovabide network of Basque companies that are committed to Road Safety.

LKS Next has an ethics code of conduct, combining the principles that govern our professional work and which all professionals promise to apply in their work.

LKS Next has teams of professionals who are certified for the partners’ different technologies and/or products.